What is DDL command?

DDL is stands for data definition language. DDL command are used to perform operation on table.

We have total 7 DDL command which are includes:-

  1. Create

    Create command used to create the database object in a tabular format.

  2. Alter

    Alter command is used to Alter the table structure but not the table data

  3. Drop

    Drop command is used to drop the table structure and table data temporarily and stores int the recycle bin.

    We can get it back by using rollback command.

  4. Truncate

    Truncate to used to delete the table data permanently and we can’t get it back by using rollback or flashback command.

  5. purge

    Purge command is used to delete the table from the recycle bin and after deleting the table from the recycle bin we can’t get it back by using flashback command.

  6. Flashback

    Flashback command is used to restore the table form the recycle bin.

  7. Rename

    Rename command is used to rename the table name.